01428 751519

As tennis court specialist, we at Peter A Housden know that fencing is often the first part of a tennis court to show its age and start looking tatty.
Normally the long term result of a combination of balls being hit against it, players running into it and the general stretching of chain link netting, tennis court fencing will begin to sag. This effect is not only unsightly, but can also result in additional stress being placed on line wires and fence posts, which if not corrected can lead to further problems and costlier solutions.
That why we offer a free, no obligation onsite survey, carried out by a member of our experienced team to determine the true nature of the work required, offer honest advice and help you identify and choose the right course of action for you and your court.
So if your fence posts are sound but the chain link is deformed, we would firstly look into the renewing of chain link fencing using the existing posts rather than total replacement that can often be put forward as the only solution.
So don’t be tempted down the path of costlier options, contact us today to arrange for your free site visit, no obligation quote & to find out how we can help you return your court to its former self.