01428 751519

As tennis enthusiasts as well as constructors, we here at Peter A Housden & Sons know that our beloved courts become tired and worn over time.
That’s why we have developed an extensive range of services and refurbishment options for existing court owners looking for a cost effective way to return their court to its former self.
In keeping with our key business principals and knowing that all projects are different we recommend a free, no obligation onsite survey to assess the relevant court and determine the most appropriate course of action for you and your court.
Once on site our experienced team will offer friendly, honest advice and help you identify and choose the right course of action and planned schedule of work.
With a range of services including those detailed below why not contact us today and discuss how we can return your court to its former self.
Preparation and court reconstruction (where necessary)
New brick edging to new surface levels
Renewal of existing tennis posts, sockets and tennis net
Wire brushing and re-painting of existing fencing stanchions
Renewal and replacement of existing fencing stanchions
Renewal and replacement of existing surround chain-link netting